Skribent - Frederik Dupont Hald


Siskiyou: s.t.

Sidste skud på stammen fra legendariske Constellation Records skuffer fælt. Canadiske Siskiyou hæver sig på debuten aldrig langt over lejrbålsniveauet.


Godspeed You! Black Emperor vågner op til dåd

I sidste uge offentliggjorde de canadiske postrockgiganter Godspeed You! Black Emperor en pressemeddelelse på deres hjemmeside, hvori de afslørede, at bandet for første gang i syv år vil tage på turne. I pressemeddelelsen fremgår det, at bandet til december skal kuratere ATP’s Nightmare Before Christmas-festival, og at bandet yderligere vil besøge en håndfuld europæiske byer samt ni amerikanske: after a decade’s retreat, god’s pee has decided to roll again. we are, as always, stoked, stubborn and petrified. it’s been awhile, and left in the rain, the brakes have rusted and seized- we’ll have to go at it with hammers probably, with elbow grease and with fury, just like the old days all over again. we look forward to it. also, moya’s back in the fold (hallelujah!) what we’ve been up to since the last time= a handful of other bands, and solitary roadtrips and wanderings, a couple of recording studios built, and a restaurant and 3 live venues also. a film soundtrack and 4 new kids and 3 new dogs. dead-end jobs. some farming and vegetable gardens. a small record label. acupuncture as a livelihood. and three of us just stayed on the road. current plans=a.t.p.u.k, a handful of british and european shows, and then 9 american towns. until further introspection, WE WILL NOT BE FIELDING ANY OTHER OFFERS. nor will we be doing any interviews. inquiries directed to band, record label, or bookers will not be guaranteed a reply. alls we really want to do is the thing we do, heads down and leaned into the squall. between now and the live-dates, there’ll be rivers of noise and distraction. and the internet is a petty tyrannical monster. please remember that really all that matters is the keep on keeping on. and all that really matters is the shows. and physical engagement in the world. and folks like us and folks like you. thanks for understanding, and thank you for still listening. see you next winter. xoxoxox godspeed you! black emperor Om gendannelsen medfører et nyt album, vides endnu ikke, men indtil videre kan man være sikker på at finde Efrim Menuck & Co i Minehead, England d. 3.-5. december, hvor de alle tre dage vil optræde sammen med 40 kunstnere, bandet selv udvælger. Kunstnere offentliggjort indtil videre inkluderer: Godspeed You! Black Emperor Bardo Pond The Ex Deerhoof Tim Hecker Mike Watt (Minutemen, fIREHOSE, Stooges) Scout Niblett Flere medlemmer af GY!BE har for tiden deres daglige gang i søsterbandet Thee Silver Mt. Zion, som indtil videre har planlagt turne indtil juni. Efterfølgende kan vi kun håbe på, at GY!BE vælger at lægge vejen forbi Danmark, hvor Silver Mt. Zion denne gang har sprunget os over.


Broken Bells: s.t.

James Mercer fra The Shins og Brian 'Danger Mouse' Burton giver den som odd couple i Broken Bells, som (under)spiller tilbagelænet lettilgængelig pop på 10 numre af høj kvalitet.